"If it's worth doing, it's worth mediocrity!"
As a religious objective, quality has a certain beauty (Zen & the art of motorcycle maintenance; Round the bend). But what is it doing creeping into the world of Non-Government Organisations? And why does it appear to me only to be championed there by those working for Government Organisations or in academia or earning above $50,000 a year? If it was aimed at preventing fraud or other crimes then fine - but it is much more than that, indeed its proponents are sometimes adamant that it is not related to crime at all. Like I intimidated, quality looks like a metaphysical objective in disguise:
"What big indicators you have!"
"All the better to trip you with."
"What big millennium goals you have!"
"All the better to divert you with."
"What big plans you have!"
"All the better to belittle you with."
Time I think, to join (or start) an anti-quality, anti-excellence, anti-best practice movement. Our slogans:
"If it's worth doing, it's worth mediocrity!"
"The excellence pestilence..."