Friday, 20 April 2007

"'s hard trying to save the world."

Sometimes I just need to switch off - do some SCUBA diving maybe; it's hard trying to save the world.

Of course, I know that's not my intent, regardless of misguided family, friends, or random hecklers. But sometimes I wonder... Why exactly do I do what I do? Why not just try and make money somewhere? The thing is, I am somewhat revulsed by the thought even though much of the development work I ultimately supervise is directed towards micro-enterprise. But is that a pathological problem? I was told so once...

Some who believe in God have asked me previously to describe my 'calling'; my parents were Christian missionaries and can describe the 'almost-voice', the 'words-coming-alive' in their Bible readings, which they say pulled them out of their comfort zones and into a mission agency.

Not me. The closest corollary for me would be a sense of being 'driven'. If those same Christians looked up words from one of their own saints: Paul, they'd find an old translation of one of his quotes describing his motivation which says something like, " constrains me..." I understand that the Greek word translated 'constrain' is quite a violent one (and the meaning of the English word used 500 years ago has drifted), so it should apparently now mean: " compels me..."

Can such a sense of drivenness be positive? I remember one particularly oppressive country where I told myself (and my wife) that two years was the limit that I could be driven by anger: I'd have to escape after that to cool down. But generally, I have not burned out though I am somewhat cooler-headed. I like to think that I am not fleeing some childhood demon - but who knows? Probably not a psychosis (not even organic), though maybe a neurosis? Anyway, it keeps me going…